Paris Saint-Germain End Their Winning Streak after 2-1 Loss against Olympique Lyonnais

The unbeaten streak of Paris Saint-Germain in Ligue 1 came to an end after their 37th league game against Olympique Lyonnais at Parc OL on February 28th. Laurent Blanc’s men suffered a heavy 2-1 loss to the brilliant performance of Lyon’s squad who outplayed them.

The winning streak for Paris Saint-Germain lasted for 36 Ligue 1 games, but unfortunately for the French Champions, the first-half goals of Maxwel Cornet and Sergi Darder destroyed their hopes of a season without a loss.

As a matter of fact, the loss itself is not that bad as the fact that the two goals scored by Cornet and Darder could not have been the only ones, as the Ligue 1 champions were actually second best from the very beginning of the game.

Paris Saint-Germain head coach Laurent Blanc commented on his side’s performance, saying he was shocked by the loss, which is the club’s first one in a total of 47 matches in all domestic competitions. He also said he had no explanation for the 2-1 loss on Sunday.

And despite the fact that the French champions still have a 23-point lead over the runner-up in the competition – Monaco – and are the most likely winners, their manager shared his disbelief with the result and explained he was disappointed with his side’s performance. In an interview for the media, Laurent Blanc said that the loss had been totally unexpected both for him and the entire squad. He also said that Paris Saint-Germain had expected a difficult game, but still not that bad.

Manager Blanc also explained that the loss must be used by the squad to regroup. On the other hand, the Paris Saint-Germain skipper Thiago Silva was also been blamed for the defeat as he underperformed over the first half of the game. Silva himself confessed that the second half of the match was a bit better. He also explained that the decisions that had been made on the ground had not been professional enough, which lead to an inexplicable defeat.

In fact, the introduction of Javier Pastore at the second half’s start helped his side improve a bit, by decreasing the deficit by 1 goal, but the boost was short-lived and The Parisians did not manage to overturn the superiority of Olympique Lyonnais.

The latter also deserve great credit. The squad proved they were fully focused on winning the game and produced some fantastic situations at times, in spite of missing several players who are regularly put within the starting eleven.

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Tyler Potts

Tyler Potts is experienced football tipster and blogger. He has over two years of experience as a freelance football analyst and journalist. His hobbies include team sports, windsurfing and climbing. He loves the Bundesliga and the German national team. Tyler is invariable part of BettingID’s journalist team.

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