Chelsea Stars Tweet Delight, Arsenal Players Silent

Cesc Fabregas 4 ChelseaMourinho once again cast his magic spell over Arsene Wenger as Blues defeated Arsenal at the Bridge.
Chelsea are now 9 points clear of Gunners and the North Londoners can forget about winning the premier league title for another year after such a horror start.
Wenger had that 6-0 defeat of last season in his mind and for that reason set up his team more focused on defense than usual.
Hence, the Blues were finding it hard to cut the opponent’s defense until Hazard turned up and ripped them apart to earn the penalty from which he scored.
Diego Costa added brilliant second goal in the next half to seal the win for Chelsea. Gunners were in pain and to add insult to injury, the man of the match was none other than their former captain Cesc Fabregas.
Chelsea stars such as the likes of Cesc and Azpilicueta tweeted their delight of the brilliant victory while Arsenal players remained silent after another mundane display.
Cesc had the Man of the match trophy with him and posted a picture with his family

“Chilling at home with the family after a hard match.”

On the other hand, Azpilicueta played his 100th game for the Blues and was delighted to have earned three important points.

“A thrilling derby at the Bridge! Great display from the team! 3 more points!. Time to focus on @SeFutbol”

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  1. TAJ AZIZ says:

    It’s time to kick winger’s ass from arsenal he doesn’t no what he is doing any more no game plan so fu….g stubborn to even sign a dm why is wenger not doing the honour and piss himself out of the team he should be ashamed saying wiii heeeev oooozilll weeee didn’t tttt neeeed csec fabrigaaaaas stupid idiout manager oh did cesc prove to him he was a class act not that lasy bum and he was on the pitch all the while carzola is subed you should be ashamed shoving morinyo

  2. We gave a good account and with a little luck we might have won. A DM is needed and then we can challenge for the title

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