Author: Mladen1x2

21:15 Grotta – Grindavik 0

21:15 Grotta – Grindavik

In the second league of Iceland in the 14th round meet Grotta and Grindavik. Grotta play rather badly this season and is one of the main candidates fo...
21:15 Grotta – Grindavik 0

21:15 Grotta – Grindavik

U okviru druge lige Islanda u 14. kolu sastaju se Grotta i Grindavik. Grotta igra dosta loše ove sezone i jedan je od glavnih kandidata za ispa...
21:05 Rapid Vienna – Ajax 0

21:05 Rapid Vienna – Ajax

Rapid – Ajax. Cini se kao da bi posle nekoliko godina austrijski tim mozda mogao i da napadne titulu u Bundesligi, mada je rano pricati o tome. ...
21:05 Rapid Vienna – Ajax 0

21:05 Rapid Vienna – Ajax

Rapid – Ajax. It seems as if after a few years the Austrian team might have and to attack the title in the Bundesliga, although it is early to t...