AGREED – Superstar Will Sign for Manchester United

Radamel Falcao MonacoManchester United were in rampant form before the festive period but Van Gaal’s first experience of the hectic schedule has not gone well.
The Red Devils drew their second game in a row with a mundane performance against Stoke City.
Van Gaal will surely splash the hefty cash available to improve the quality of the squad with certain positions needing reinforcements.
One of the major positives for United is there star striker Radamel Falcao has been in form since return from injury and as per the latest reports, United will make his loan deal permanent in the January transfer window.
Falcao has been facing injury concerns since his long term treatment with Monaco but finally he is looking good.
As per the reports, the Colombian international has passed all his medicals relating to the troubling knee and United are convinced to sign him.
The Red Devils paid €10m just to secure his services on a loan and now have agreed to pay the remaining €40m (€50m) in total to tie him for long term.
With his permanent signature, United really do not need to think about bringing Hernandez back or signing a new striker as their strike-force is one of the best in the world.
Now, Van Gaal must focus on defensive and midfield signing that are much needed at Old Trafford.
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  1. andrew says:

    man utd should appreciate the way Chelsea does their business. José is very quick while utd take several weeks to finalise deals in the majority of cases lose the intended players. how on earth would they overlook fabrigas, Toni croos and ended buying second options. I personally think the club needs an owner who is ready to pay for quality players and a chairman who makes decisions quick.

    • Realist says:

      Do business like Jose?
      What you mean spend 20m on a player who’s in his late 20’s and has got a few good years in him then needs replacing, whilst following that up with a comment about how his club can’t afford to spend 30m on a young 18year old international left back?!
      Makes me laugh how people swallow all the Maureen bullshit, the press love him and so do you by the sound of it.

    • Realist says:

      By the way the 29yr old left back I’m on about

  2. bode says:

    Wonder shall never end,what has man utd seen in Falcao that make them to think of permanent deal when younger and sharp strikers out there.Is it bcos of those dead goals agains Aston Villa and Stoke city?Falcao play and fall for little challenge from opponent as if he has only one leg.The ball is in ur court Van Gal play it the way you like.Ok.

    • colin says:

      On your dead goal comment ,,,,a striker still needs to pop up in the right plaxe at the right time thts actually the difference between worldclass and average strikers and falcoa is world class you might not agree but real madrid,,united and many top clubs do thts all tht matters

  3. Realist says:

    Is filipe luis……..expensive sub!

    • alex t says:

      Falcao is fine, checking his goal ratio and his minutes on the field he is a perfect striker. We need experience upfront, pace, and I believe Van Persie is ageing out this year, whilst Rooney has been changed from him position we need a powerful man next season on champions league if we qualify, so who do guys think we can get or use? Better use the proven than promoting someone you need prove.

  4. John turay says:

    L.V.G nust focus on defenders & defensive six [[manu]]

  5. Wakheel says:

    Seriously,Falcao is a brilliant striker that will be needed in next season UCL,and am very sure before then he must have been given man u the best.

  6. Maurice says:

    Manchester United should not sign Falcao. He is an average player just like modern day RVP. He has miserably failed the litmus test at Old Trafford. He could be a good player but the gods did not need him here. He belongs elsewhere. Maybe France….

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