15:00 Macedonia – Tunisia

Odds on Macedonia are to small as this is equal match where will face both teams that should fight for that 2nd place but also Austria is good team and Bosnia can make surprise also.

Macedonia is stronger than ever if we see on roster we have very good players that play in CL and most of them come from Metalurg together with world class player Kiril Lazarov and men who defend goal very good in past years Borko Ristovski and with two other players add Pribak and Vugrinec this Macedonian team is maybe best in our history.But there is problems also first situation in Metalurg club from where come most of players so they are not in best form but still they work very hard with national team and expect to give their maximum.

Other thing is play of both players that even is question if Australia played in this Championship will select them Lazarov Filip and Zlatko Mojsoski but their brothers are successful players and in this country is always nice to have bigger brother. With Temelkov and Dimitrievski or Stojcevski this team was going to be even better.

Tunisia is very very good team and can make a lot of problems in this group.They have very good players as most of them come from French championship and play some unusual formation in handball i ndefence 3-3 and 3-2-1 also they have very good coach who will prepare them very good also have tradition in handball.Odds here drop because Macedonia beat Algeria but Tunisia is far better team then them also what read from some portals most of experts andcoaches in Balkan think that Tunisia can finish second in table.

for the bet is important that Macedonia do not play fast handball want to keep ball how much is possible and watch Tunisia against Russia and they play on the same way slow and patient so do not expect to be scored to much goal only problem can be that is for expect to much penalty minutes for players as Tunisia will be very aggressive in defence

I dont want to bet against my own country and hope will win this match but will notr put money on them knowing our mentality everything is possible

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