Manchester United – Star CONFIRMS he Will Sign

BPLManchester United are flying high at the moment and a lot of that is down to their best player David de Gea.
The Spanish international has saved United on many occasions this season and is arguably the best goal keeper in the world at the moment.
In such a scenario, Real Madrid are keen to sign him as a replacement of legendary goalie Iker Casillas.
The reports linking De Gea with a move to Spanish capital has worried Manchester United fans but the latest news will put a smile on their faces.
According to Daily Star, David de Gea has assured to his team mates that he will sign a new deal with Manchester United.
The Red Devils are on the rise and cannot afford to lose any of their best players. De Gea’s assurance will satisfy United fans as the club can now look to secure more quality players in winter.
Manchester United David de Gea

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  1. I can’t even believe the rumour talk less of seeing it happing,that he (David shot stopper)wants to leave Man united to Real Madrid .

  2. JOHN says:

    Real Madrid are known for their big spending to lure players. You remember how Beckham, Nestoyed, Owen , Ronaldo and the like were lured.
    MU , should be aware of this and Pay De Gea well.if they want to keep him.
    As far as am concerned, if MU let him go , it will be the beginning of down fall again., because the confidence in the team at the moment is because of De Gea standing firm between the post.

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