00:00 Criciuma – Bahia

Both teams face some missings and rotation but I guess the most notable will be the absence of Lucca who has been in quite good form lately. Many players left hosts and Cricuma is the worst team in Serie A imo , mistakes in defence are quite much and they should be slight favourites here, maybe somethig like 2.35. Moreover, they won't receive much support from fans today who are angry.= with their performance.
Bahia after Sudamericana ventures, have to deal with relegation battle which is almost certainly going to end with failure but they don't have such heavy fixture so salvation is possible. Still, quality speaks on their side imo. New coach is in chrage and agaist Corinthians they unlucky lost. Today they should be able to hold a point. Lat match they played against the one of the ost stable defences in South America with 1-1 went for three points and eventually lost. Today they face the worst defence and going aggressive in the end is more likely to have positive outcome for them.
Neither team is satisfied with a point but I see big value on away side.
Thanks to @brasil for some of the above mentioned information.

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