Magic Formula – Arsenal Starting XI vs Chelsea

Arsenal FCArsenal were far from convincing against rivals Tottenham last weekend but absolutely dominated Galatasaray in the Champions League.
Wenger may have horrific injury concerns going on at the moment but perhaps in that he might have found the magic formula for the way forward.
For the first time, Gunners played with the flow that they are renowned for and are in confident mood for the game against league leaders Chelsea.
Surely, Blues are going to be hard as ever that too at Stamford Bridge but Arsenal just have to stick to the side that has somehow showed the best mix.
Ozil was brilliant behind the striker, Alexis finally connected well in the system of his new club while Welbeck absolutely thrilled scoring a brilliant ha-ttrick on the night.
Hence, Arsenal must start the same starting XI against Chelsea. Understandable that last season’s 6-0 thrashing might be on their minds but they have got to stay positive.

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  1. Magezi Abel says:

    Arsenal need use ths IX.Szcney,Gibs,Chambers,Metersker,Koscny,Flamin,Ozil,Cazora,Sanchez,Chmbrln&Welbeck if thy wnt 2bt Chelsea,creat mo chances,kip unbeatn run& 2break Jose Morinhos record of beating Arsenal as their key main objectives.

  2. Carlos says:

    Nice display of football tech and strategy against the Turks but Gunners still need a defensive midfielder which I do not know why the couch did not bring any one during the summer and other defensive players as the injury line up seems to be getting longer by the day. And what about Campbell ? he should be playing along with the others as he is technically able and valuable to the side hope to see him play as other wise it will be a waste of talent.

  3. Dave says:

    Agree with the team, but would rather Wilshere someone that can ghost past that solid but static Chelsea midfield instead of Santi for now. And put Ox on the left or right wing, Sanchez on the other and Wellbeck up top, Wilshere is better defensively than Santi and believe the front 4 of Sanchez, Wellbeck, Ox and Ozil would open up any defense. We need to defend strong but Chelsea never just come at Arsenal we always dictate the play and they hit us on the counter time again, this time I think we should be doing the same to them … They cannot create like we can and if we stay firm we have got the pace and the power and the technical ability to hit them hard on the counter and that way we win the game. First goal is very important if we can get it we should win the game.

  4. Lodai abraham says:

    I think wenger had to replace ozil with rosicky in the attacking midfield and rest no changes the likes of carzola, chamberlein, wilshea, alexis, welbeg, mater,kociel, chambers,kibbs and sczesny.

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