About Time Ozil Explains he is Unhappy at Arsenal

Mesut Ozil ArsenalArsenal are in a torrid position once again and even after a busy summer, results have been disappointing for the gunners.
Not only that, the performances have been mundane and fans have again started to turn against Arsene Wenger.
Constant injuries to key players are hampering Arsenal’s progress and if that was not enough, top players want to depart the North London club as well.
Lately, Arsenal have been able to attract German stars to the Emirates because of the presence of the German connection.
Mertesakcer, Gnarby, Podolski and Ozil are there and because of their presence, more top Kaiser stars like Khedira, Reus, Draxler seem interested in a move to Arsenal despite their obvious failures over the past decade.
Now eve that connection might be in trouble and top targets may move elsewhere.
Lukas Podolski has expressed his discontent with the position at Arsenal and may as well look to leave in January if the things do not change for the former Bayern Munich star.
Poldi has played over 100 games for Germany but cannot seem to fit in Arsenal with so many playmakers around. He claimed:

“I have assessed my position in the team, and it has to change now,”
“Let’s see what happens in the winter. The fact is that I’m not happy with it, that’s clear.”

His departure might not be a big issue but reports have been there that Ozil wants out as well and it is about time he explains about his unhappiness at the club.
Ozil has never really shown his form of Real Madrid days consistently for Arsenal and much of that is because of injuries and the idea of Wenger to play him out of position.
Arsenal fans will turn furious if their record signing leaves the club anytime soon.
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No Responses

  1. Abdul says:

    In my opinion,Wenger is the most confused Manager in the EPL.He does not know how to handle already established players unless those players he nurtured.So I think Wenger should be the next to leave should Ozil leaves.It’s clear now that he doesn’t have anything good to offer us (Arsenal).

  2. TAJ AZIZ says:

    Wenger godzilis krookenk should get out we need football minded people around not money gusslers

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