Man United Boss Gives Useless Reasons for Selling Star to Arsenal

Danny Welbeck Manchester UnitedManchester United did sign one of the best stars in business when it comes to scoring goals but they let one of their very own Danny Welbeck leave this summer.
Adding to that, they sold Welbeck to none other than one of their key rivals for the Champions League spot, Arsenal.
The potential and talent of the England international was always there, he only needed regular chances that too in his preferred position, something he never got at Old Trafford.
Yet, Man United boss gives useless reasons for selling him to Arsenal and claims that Welbeck was not at standard.

“Danny Welbeck had been here since he was nine, but after he came back from Sunderland, he does not have the record of Rooney or van Persie, and that is the standard.”

Looking at last season’s stats, Welbeck played in 25 league games and scored 9 goals but this does not tell the whole story. He only started 15 games and played 90 minutes in eight.
In terms of goals scored per 90 minutes, Welbeck was ranked fourth last season, only behind the likes of Aguero, Suarez and Sturridge.
As far as playing position is concerned, Welbeck only played 12 league games as the center forward, else found himself out wide. Played in 5 Champions League games out of 10 and not even once in his preferred position.
His case is similar to Daniel Sturridge who could not find regular and central role with Manchester City and Chelsea but once given the chance with Liverpool, he has been scoring for fun.
Van Gaal may soon find himself proven wrong if Arsenal play Welbeck as a striker. He still has to hit peak and United may rue the decision of selling him to Gunners.
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  1. IG south africa says:

    Danny Welbeck is the one who is USELESS not Vangaal. LvG made the right decision to dump that waster called Welbeck. United is by far a bigger Club than Arsenal. He can fit in at arsenal not UNITED!

  2. BD Condell says:

    The stats are rubbish. In terns of Premier League goals/minute played last season RVP is 1 goal every 132 minutes; Rooney 1 every 143 mins and Welbeck 1 every 162 minutes. So you can’t even do basic research to begin with.
    Secondly, Welbeck has been on Utd fans radar since he was 17 (that’s 6 years). He spent a couple of seasons on loan and has had lots of 1st team opportunities, including playing as a striker. He’s a good honest lad and will be a good player for some PL team but he’s not good enough to lead the line for a ‘Top 4’ side. That’s been proven and all this nonsense about him developing… the age of 23 you are what you are. Welbeck was widely viewed as no more than decent when at Utd. Many England fans cursed his presence in an England shirt and rated him 2nd best. If you’d suggested to any Arsenal fan last season that they would buy Welbeck they’d have laughed their heads off.
    Now that Welbeck has left Utd suddenly he’s a world class striker waiting to happen.

    • Welbeck was ranked fourth among goals scored by non penalty takers. Find here
      On the other hand, last season his average PL time was just 58 minutes, season before that only 48 minutes, which is by no means enough to judge one when he is playing in different roles everytime. He is not a winger outwide player that much is proven….
      So there is no doubt that lack of playing time and playing outwide has not helped him. Sturridge was also 23 when he joined Liverpool, you are what you are does not work…the peak years are ahead and not past it when you are 23. So Welbeck has time to prove himself..lets see
      It will be a crime to say that he is better or equal to Rooney, Rvp, and Falcao but surely not as pathetic as people rate him.

      • BD Condell says:

        ‘Non Penalty takers’ means little as so many of the top strikers also take the penalties. Also, there’s a reason why Welbeck’s playing time is restricted. Was this the case for Rooney, RVP, Aguero etc etc at that age? No, they were 1st choice because they were good enough. Welbeck is not. Like I said, he’s a good lad and a decent player but he had no future at Utd and I suspect he won’t last long at Arsenal either.
        LVG’s reasons for letting Welbeck go are valid. The title of the article says they are ‘useless’. That’s just nonsense!

        • That is again competition, and cannot tell whether one is good enough or not unless one gets regular chances and fails to shine….
          Juan Mata is a world class player, Im sure you will agree but even at the peak of his game and being Chelsea’s best player 2 years in a row, he could not find playing time under Mourinho. So that is competition, cannot say Mata wasnt/isnt good enough.

          • BD Condell says:

            They are NOT facts. It does not say anywhere in the article that it refers to non penalty takers. That’s a huge factor and one that makes the point very weak. It’s a fact that Welbeck got more than a fair chance for Utd and also a fact that he has never set tworld on fire. LVG is right, he has not met the standard. Everyone seems to think that will now change at Arsenal so let us wait and se am betting that Welbeck remains what he is, a decent player but one that will ver be a stand-out conisistently.

  3. BD Condell says:

    Here’s a suggestion: if you don’t like what people say about articles and are not in favour of freedom of speech then make it clear on your site. Slyly editing out parts of comments you don’t like is cowardly and pathetic. The article is rubbish; inaccurate, badly researched and lame. The articles on here are clearly written by complete amateurs.

    • Personal attacks are going to be edited, I hope you get that much. Your criticism of the article will remain but that is that.
      Nowhere it is claimed that Welbeck is World Class or will be world class but yes has quality and can largely improve with opportunities. You clearly cannot hold your emotions as a fan else the facts written are nothing else but FACTS.

  4. Suman says:

    Man utd wil regret Welbeck very soon just as they regret letting Pogba leave.

  5. Jackson Henry says:

    United is American owned team and not British! Therefore the question of tradition doesn’t apply just as Chelsea or Man City! If you like Welbeck so much why don’t you buy a club and sign him? You British writers take United as yours while it has a worldwide fan base. Your angry because the owners didn’t appoint an English coach as simple as that. Welbeck was given a chance to prove himself but failed, then what else. The question of spending his youthhood there is immaterial! It’s a blind loyalty just as with the case with Moyes,please leave Lvg alone!

  6. Gab says:

    Instead the new manager to say sorry, he is even making nonesese speeches over the sales. Van parse did not impress at his first three years at arsenal. Wenger still have faith on him till he delivered. Danny is far better than Rooney and robin van parse for now, he is not given chance to prove himself. The best of Danny will be seen this season. Van gal should be sacked.

  7. moir says:

    Whats all the fuss about welbeck, Chicharito met him at the Club and still had a better record than danny. Shout about that

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