Liverpool Angle – Problems Explained & the Solutions

Liverpool FCLiverpool earned 10 points from their first 5 opening games last season. This term, they only have 6 with only one good performance against Spurs.
They lost 6 games last season and have already lost 3 in the first 5 as the fans have already started to fear the worst.
So what has happened to Liverpool, what are the problems and how can they be fixed.
Liverpool Lack Drive & Defensive Woes Continue
The Reds lack drive because unlike last season, they start in reverse gear thanks to the terrible defense. Every LFC fan and I can confidently say “Every” fan knew that the goal was coming from that first minute set piece vs West Ham.
Defense has gone from bad to worse, lack of communication between Sakho and Lovren was evident from the first game, was never fixed and that head collision was the perfect example. 38% possession and a team scores 3 goals, could have had more explains that almost every other time Hammers had the ball, Liverpool’s defense was threatened and the goalie is low on confidence.
Defense can only be improved as a unit, individual talent matters little if there is no command. There is no doubt that BR is not the best around when it comes to defensive tactics, probably needs a decent defensive assistant.
Gerrard is significant when it comes to creativity. Last season, the merseysiders were normally leading/dominating early, Gerrard had little pressure and dominated play from the back much like Pirlo, Alonso.
However, Stevie is deep lying playmaker not a DM and plays 90 mins every game at his age. Hence teams that take the lead/pressurize early on find it easy to control the game in Liverpool’s half . Injury to Can and Allen is obviously hurting at the moment.
Also, little Sterling can do on his own every time with all new faces, needs a familiar one, Sturridge of course. Lallana returns from injury and plays his 3rd game in 7 days even when it was clear that he has not yet found full pace and lacks sharpness. Markovic was suspended in midweek, got the rest, was not even used. Borini got the nod for the sake of diamond not that he did really well against Villa/Ludo.
Not Scoring Goals
Reds scored 5 goals in the first 5 PL games last season. In the remaining 33 games, they had a magician like Luis Suarez, heart and soul of the team, regular scorer and provider and a menace.
They have scored 7 in 5 this season and need Sturridge fit as soon as possible to score goals. Mario scored in midweek and brilliantly set up one for Sterling against Hammers, did well to set up Borini as well but Fabio wasted the chance. Balotelli too needs Sturridge by his side at least that early in his Liverpool career.
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Dusko Cakovic

No Responses

  1. Ajaegbu loveday says:

    B/R should treat suso like others by giving him chance to prove him self,suso is a skillful player,i don’t d for keeping him on d bench,maybe because he did not come through him,i never see rodgers keeping somebody he bought on d bench

  2. bernard says:

    tired of rogers sturborness of playinq only. players he bought lyke d useless sakho n borini..playin n champions league is nothin if u flood ur team wid southmptn players ..n pretendin that grld is dm..the faster u get rid of rogers the better of embarassmnt..u kno he’s british wont a accept mistake n will pretend 2know wot 2do next..suso better than coutinho even sterlin if given chance..lack of creativity. down 2 thinkin henderson is bettr than wot alonso ever was..make him cptn of the world,,mr sideways pass

  3. Elikunda juma says:

    Lucas,Fabio Borini,Sakho should be droped for liverpool squd.They were do nothing to help our team.

  4. brian paschal says:

    pls we are to slow in attacks. stop playing sakho. pls we need suso he is one of d Best.stop keeping him on bench

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