Enough is Enough: Arsenal to Spend Big & Sign Stars

Olivier Giroud of ArsenalGunner supporters thought that after securing key signings in the summer transfer window, Arsenal will become one of the hot favorites to win the premier league title.
However, the start to new season suggests that the dilemma continues as results have been far from impressive.
On the other hand, injuries to key players means that the North Londoners are short of quality players in several departments.
Their priority striker Giroud is out, first team playmaker Walcott is still out, the best full back Debuchy on the sidelines as well and the fans are expecting club to buy free agents.
Clearly if the results do not improve soon enough then Arsene Wenger can forget about the premier league title for another season.
They did end the trophy drought last year by winning the FA Cup but with the current level of performance, one cannot expect to win trophies.
From fans view point, enough is enough, no more excuses, Arsenal have to spend big and sign stars in the next window to have quality first team as well as depth.
According to latest reports, Arsenal have revealed that they have ample funds in the bank and Wenger is ready to splash heavy cash in the winter window.
Not to forget, Arsene is not a fan of the January transfer window and normally does not spend much. However, he will have to change that habit if Arsenal are to strengthen their squad.
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  1. Wenger won’t spend a penny because our squad is good and strong enough????? Time for Wenger to resign!!!! A good coach who ‘s vision is out of date. We are getting left behind

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