Man United to Complete €32m Deals for Midfield and Defense

Daley Blind NetherlandsManchester United’s torrid start to the new season continues under new manager Louis van Gaal as they still seek their first PL win.
The Red Devils were already hurt from the opening day defeat against Swansea and now even Sunderland have earned a point against them.
It will be fair to say that the Black Cats deserved it and could have won it as they dominated for longer periods.
Not to forget United have already spent their record sum in a transfer window and are also close to sealing club record signing for Angel Di Maria as well.
However, even the arrival of Argentine will not fix the issues of United’s weak defense and midfield departments.
Van Gaal is lacking serious quality and depth in the mentioned departments and without reinforcing them, United are likely to finish outside top 4 once again.
Hence, they are ready to secure stars to avoid further slide.
According to reports, Manchester United believe they will complete deals for Dutch duo Daley Blind and Nigel De Jong.
The duo will cost United around €32m and will largely improve their defense and midfield department.
Former Man City man De Jong is one of Van Gaal’s favorite player and a top holding midfielder that United require to break opposition attacks. Him combining with Herrera in midfield can be fruitful for the Devils.
On the other hand, versatile Blind was one of the best players of the World Cup and has the capability of playing as a left (wing) back, center back as well as a defensive midfielder.
United need to act very fast as time is running out and if it does run out without these significant signings that United will surely be in further trouble.
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  1. Ayo amme says:

    Don’t try to bring De jong for us,.we don’t want him, we dislike him.even hate hime

  2. sitesired says:

    Neither of our two new signings due to injury were on he pitch ! The other no work permit . We are playing a system that the players are clearly not at home with yet . Its Transition We have quality players both young and old . Once LVG grips the team with players he wants I truly believe the ABUs will be running for cover .
    Nothing wrong with De Jong if he wants to play for LVG then welcome . We need a warrior in midfield .

    • Sean V says:

      Very sensible comment, Van Gaal is at home with this Man United project which will take time. In the game yesterday except Blackett was the same broken team as last year and to make matters a bit more difficult they were playing with a system that is unfamiliar to them, so it will take time. Not making excuses but I think we should write the game off yesterday as its not the way Man United will be playing the rest of the season when our new players are in that line up and things have been figured out amongst not only the players but Van Gaal as well.

  3. dutchie says:

    like him or dislike is not important, he is very efficient

  4. Nigel de Jong, isn’t a good option, but Daley Blind is, I really want Arturo Vidal to come..
    Players like:
    Daley Blind
    Di Maria
    Marco Rojo
    Arturo Vidal
    Will win, the title for them!
    Now it’s not like before, Manchester utd seal the win! With limited players under Sir Alex Ferguson! Those days are gone.. Now they need quality signings.. to win the title, cox all the teams in EPL are v v v competitive!

    • Sean V says:

      There isn’t any destroyer at the club like De Jong, so in my opinion is a decent option, with him and Herrera in the Central Midfield area, Man United will have more of the ball and give a good battle to teams that have great Central Mid fielders themselves. Blind is a fantastic option like you mentioned he ticks all the boxes, he is young and can improve, very good at both central midfield and wing back, knows not only the system Van Gaal uses but also the back up system when players are out or something isn’t working and most importantly works very well and is very confident in Van Gaal.
      I would forget Vidal, he isn’t coming this summer, Juventus used the media to get more publicity for their tours linking him with us, even if Van Gaal would like him to come that was never going to happen, I knew they were going to leave it late to say he “wasn’t on the market” watch out for more comments , those from Vidal himself saying “I never intended to leave, for me this is my home and it was never in my mind.” Strootman’s name will do the rounds next summer.
      Cuadrado may not come this summer either since the expected acquisition of Di Maria, the focus will be getting another Centre mid, one that is more of a destroyer, for example De Jong, that Freddy Guarin fellow seems to be getting mentioned alot but as he is a box to box player but he isn’t a destroyer type, but probably could develop into both as he is young enough, De Jong maybe the more reasonable option Van Gaal make take I think. Especially if Inter Milan wants the same price rich Zenit St Petersburg wants to pay for him, could you see Woodward rivaling Zenit £25 million for Freddy Guarin? I definately can’t.

  5. Ntulume James says:

    We don’t need to like or dislike some players but players who can deliver and once we are out of the bin we can think otherwise

  6. Mbekezeli says:

    Nigel De Jong would be a good option to sign the player, I think Manchester United cannot depend on Michael Carrick only.
    Well on the other side Daley Blind would be a great contribution to the squad they must also get him.

  7. david adetunji says:

    Good one, let both de jong and blind be coming we really need them cz d most problem we have now is our Defence line and defensive midfilder. United

    • luc says:

      we need de jomg,guarin the most coz of the cheap price tag for a ball winner in the middle of the park,,,thats our main weakness,,the defence look rocky and the attack is non existant becoz we need stability and a platform from the center of midfeild,,,getting both guarin and dejong for 8 million each would be very wise,,,and then bid for vidal or strootman or both later,,coz if we keep trying to get the best and other teams know we have no cover in that area,,,they can always hike up the price and we pay over the odds,,,with that kind of money ,we can afford to get 3 or 4 very decent defensive medfeilders,,,[dejong,guarin,tiote and wanyama all arte in the region of 8-10 million],,,blind is okay,,,but i wouldn’t trust a small player like him to protect the defence,,,he’s not a powerhouse,,,even he say’s that he’s not that type of player,,,he can play there,,just like herrera and cleverly can,,but i dont think they will scare any opposition with their small frame,,,

      • Allan Smith says:

        I live in Colombia and according to Cuadrado,s own words a few months ago he was flattered at man U and their interest, yet nobody has gone tio get him, he would be excellent on thye right wing and is a danger at all times, he is deceptive and and unpredictable, nigh on impossible to defend against, you never know what trick he will pull, as Guarin, he is the perfect fit, I am not a huge fan of De Jong, he was never great in his time in the PL, Guarin is a fantastic buy, he is a destroyer of opposition attacks and a good ball player, great pass rate and for the price tag not too far away from Viday and his ability, we need them 2 players and Blind, Benatia is still a long shot

  8. Alex says:

    I just hope they get them both-de jong with herrera is really gonna bring the best out of the central midfield….

  9. del says:

    come on woodward do the job you are paid for and get these players in.

  10. Good points from nearly everyone apart from blue nose ayo at the start.they’ll be gutted if we get de Jong . They loved him ha!everyone including my dog can see where needs strengthening . De Jong quality,Vidal if he wants to come,quality, guarin good too. Desperate for quality defender on top of rojo.Hummels??? Win battles in mid , defense solid and that allows forward players(who are quality) to enjoy themselves breeding confidence for everyone.
    We only a few signings from being quality!!! Stand by van gaal. We didn’t give moyes time but he was too defensive. Van Gaal plays attacking. Come on the reds

  11. del says:

    As i said before time for ed woodwood to do his job and help lvg get a stable team together.

  12. Shepstarr says:

    All great comments and facts excpt shady ‘devil’ fan at the top, i jus think LVG needs to act as matter of urgency now, we have dimaria, and some great lads upfront, but if we dont lock our central mid and defense £200m spent in vain… Ggmu

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