DONE – Manchester United Agree Astonishing £40m Deal

Luke Shaw SouthamptonAfter months of speculation, Manchester United fans will be hoping that finally they have sealed the deal for Luke Shaw.
The Southampton star has been constantly linked with a move to Old Trafford since the end of last season, however, there have been more rumors than concrete reports.
Once again, there is a big news in the media regarding the future of the England teenager, will it become official soon, we shall see.
According to Goal, Manchester United have agreed a £160,000 a week 5 year deal for Luke Shaw that is worth astonishing £40m overall.
The mentioned wages will make the 18 year old boy the highest earning teenager in the history of the game.
Luke Shaw Southamton
Shaw was voted in PFA team of the season and his brilliant performances deservedly earned him a place in the national side for World Cup 2014.
With Chelsea also looking to lure him, Manchester United came up with an offer no one could refuse and finally they have agreed the deal for Saint star.
The full back will largely improve Red Devils’ shaky defense that cost them big time last season.
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  1. Alapo says:

    Get him. Stop speculating

  2. John Gab says:

    That wages (£160,000) a week is too much for a young player as such just coming in . How do expect Evra and co to feel?

  3. nosken says:

    If Evra does not like it he can go to hell.and pls get me more signings,we shudnt allow wht happend to us last season to dsame again in dis transfer market,we need atleast 6players and we need to flush out people like,ashley young,cleverly,smalling,carrick,vidic,welbeck and ferdinand pls get rid of these guys,they are all dead woods,tnx Van Gal

    • David says:

      you may not get Shaw..nobody wants to join you, why would he join a decaying club..yesterdays team, up the Saints!!!

    • Captain Pat says:

      Evra can go to hell? Really? This is one of our leaders and greatest players over the last ten years or so who has Man Utd running through his veins and this is what you have to say about him? We do not need 6 players nor are we going to get six players, stop deluding yourself. What we do need is to flush out ‘fans’ like you from our club. I don’t mind if we struggle for a few seasons to see you go away.

    • sam says:

      I hate fans like you. Your fake! Disgusting. Evra go to hell?! One of our main players who has helped us so much over the last seasons. Your a glory hunter. You do not know what being a united supporter means and you have no values. One bad season and you expect is to throw out players like evra and carrock and talk about them like their rubbish. We aint man city mate that we just get rid of players like their trash. United should forget this luke shaw nonsense if its costing 25 million or more. Their are left backs out their in leagues such as Portuguese league that are way cheaper who arnt money grabbing chelsea fans like shaw and actually want to play for united and will respect the club. Same goes for all the other signings. If theirs one signing we should blow money on its pogba.

      • Peter says:

        Agree with most of what you say but Pogba is a bit too expensive, even Lou Macari said there is no way Pogba will return to United at that price. No player is worth that amount anyways and I suggest United go to their Youth Team and give some of the youngsters there a chance, just like Fergie did in the 90’s. That way United will save a lot of money and advance a hell of a lot quicker. It’s not strikers we need it midfield and defense.

    • Olufemi says:

      Do not look down to Carrick, Ferdinand and Evra they are all senior player with experience but Young and wellbeck are dead wood

  4. Bireo E.K. Jimmy says:

    Shaw won’t solve utd’s prob, if we continue going in 4 unexperienced players we shall endup being relegated. Go for players like Alex Song, Sandro… Why don’t Utd copy City in terms of shopping players?

  5. drone says:

    in other news :Manchester United have reinforcements in Defence Midfield and Attack
    Cavani has been swapped for Rooney
    HA HA HA …. united are not going to sign any one
    Here is how United PR will respond in coming days:
    1. We are hope full to sign (array of names) after World Cup.
    Question>> WHy cant united sign any players who are not involved in worldcup.
    Or the ones who will miss world cup because of injuries.
    2. As world cup ends, there will be legends claiming why United is complete team and dont need reinforcements.
    Question >> Are you for real, dont you see you dont have defence you dont have box to box and defensive midfielder or a deep lying playmaker. And well NO WINGER.
    3. After deadline is surpassed.
    there will be a statement deal for kevin strootman is agreed and he will sign for unnited in jan

  6. Karl says:

    what are you lot mingin and whingin about just cos as somebody rightly put it you lot are yesterdays team you’ve had your day now it’s time for somebody else to take over the mantel never mind 2015/16 season it will be the turn of THE MIGHTY WOLVES !!! Van La Parra, Dutch under 21 international, Eusebio and Torras and still more to come we will be back with a bite !! What gives you mingers the god given right to be playing champions league football anyway ? you have to earn it, I seem to remember that the mighty Wolverhampton Wanderers started off what was the forerunner of the champions league by beating all the top teams of the day and your lot came along about 10 years later lol. maybe if you had Stan Cullis as your manager at that time you would of had a team capable of european football but you were like the americans in the last war years too late !! So be big boys and stop cryin in yer pints just cos you’ve got a team of useless morons who couldn’t play football if they tried !! By the way the best player you ever had came from these parts one Duncan Edwards maybe your scouts should come and see the talents that we have instead of worrying about all them prima donnas you’ve got at the moment especially the little fat scouser Rooney lol.

  7. kola osisanwo says:

    The transfer market can not be that easy as we failed to spend last season to bring in good additions. Now, good and experienced players are not interested in us because there is no good competition that these players will gracefully jump at.

  8. seidu says:

    I am a utd fun.but I hope this story das not hold any truv.bcos both the transfer cost and the wage is too much for utd and cause prblm like barcer due to neyma’s and the rest.

  9. peter says:

    The moneys too much for shaw

  10. christopher Chisom says:

    This is just too much for a teenage player. Most of our senior players don’t even earn this much. We can get a better left at a cheaper fee. No guarantee he will be a success, why do we have to risk all that for him.

  11. Gabara says:

    Ed Woodward will be too careless to spend such a lot of money

  12. Greyson Mwale says:

    He is a good upcoming prayer but not worth that much, ihope the transfer issue goes through but not the that cost.

  13. He is a good player no doubt about it but both the wages and the fee is too much although man u are going to spend big to get players because of champion leage they’ll find it difficult to lure players because of that so let us just spend the money. Man u 4 life

  14. sam says:

    I think the both wages and transfer fee is way too high for a young and upcoming player like Shaw…he is not yet tested in any way although he is a decent player no doubt but not to cost such amount other players may rise an eye brows about it if this deal goes through and such amount is paid for him

  15. Ntulume James says:

    Man U’s legacy is proven and there’s no doubt about it so Lvg’s; so p’se Ed shouldn’t be doing business out of panic 4 such will weigh down our club heavily and the repucussion will be immence. In that respect buy quality but costworthy

  16. phillip gessa says:

    he so hyped, l don’t even think that he will equal to the tusk .just like felliane

  17. Henry says:

    Manchester United is just pathetic. Always speculating and scouting without even buying any! Such a weak club

  18. Colin says:

    The main thing to get right is the manager , it took them two attempts but the right man for the job is there now. Of course it’s too much money for any player but that’s just how it is at the moment Van the man will get Man U up there and competing again , he will bring in the right people who trust and believe in him . He is a winner full stop same as Sir Ferguson , can’t wait for next season !

  19. williams says:

    I pray shaw to united deal will be completed as soon as possible…

  20. its just a waste of money this guy butner can be a feuture player much morthan he does jst let him get more games time. The amount for this guy is too much pls let go of him n use butner.

  1. June 12, 2014

    […] from Goal, they can allegedly ‘reveal’ that Manchester United have agreed terms in a deal worth £40m to sign Luke Shaw from […]

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