Not Injuries, Not Giroud: Arsenal's Main Reason of Collapse

Arsene Wenger ArsenalNot so long ago, every Arsenal supporter was dreaming of winning the premier league title, now even the hopes of finishing fourth are fading quickly.
The words collapse and failure exactly define Arsenal these days, in fact they completely define the long trophy drought.
Gunners are literally inconsistent or should we say consistent in collapsing every season. There are different reasons every time but the fact remains, North Londoners only show up in one half of the season.
The fingers are always pointed at Wenger and rightly so the manager deserves the blame for countless reasons. However, even with all the injuries and not many signings, they still have a quality squad, surely better than Everton. Yet they were humiliated at the weekend which was unacceptable.
So what is Arsenal’s main reason of collapse in the second half of the season. It is in fact, Shambolic Defense.
Yes, Giroud has been at his worst in the second half of the season yet they are still scoring but what on earth happened to their rock solid defense is beyond everyone.
The injuries have mainly hit the attacking midfield still they had the likes of Rosicky, Cazorla, Chamberlain, Podolski and Gnabry. Not to forget, the collapse started even before that, when they had Ozil, Koscileny and Wilshere fit.
After 24 PL games, Arsenal had only conceded 21 goals, only second to Chelsea at that time who had conceded 20. Mertesacker and Koscielny as a pair were on a 31 game unbeaten run until Liverpool bombarded them with 4 goals in 20 minutes.
Since that thrashing at merseyside, Arsenal’s defense have collapsed like nothing else, the confidence shattered and the stats tell the whole story.
Now, after 33 games, Arsenal have conceded 40 goals, i.e. 19 in the last 9 games. Gunners are on the brink of another huge failure. With all the momentum, Everton are surely favorites to take the final CL qualification spot.
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Dusko Cakovic

No Responses

  1. Ola Ayobami says:

    Wenger’s decision or indecision is the bane of Arsenal. The man seems to have lost his perpective for game. Could it be aging complexities or probably complacency.

  2. wale adekoya says:

    D solution is simple: wenger shd resign n join d Board as an Executive
    No doubt, wenger has lost d zeal hunger n approach!

  3. P says:

    It’s what’s in front of the defence that’s the problem. Geriatrics. No legs or strength.

  4. ocan daniel says:

    The problem with arsenal is they have a weak striker who can balance the play to the either side of the opponents.Liverpool can concide many goals in a match due to poor defending but walkaway with three arsenals lack of scoring many goals in a match will cost them nothing.All champions score alot of goals and its by goals that a clubs wins a arsenal managers inability to solve the problem of robin van persies departure will leave them trophless until further notice.

  5. olubunmi kenneth says:

    Wenger has lost his momentum. He has no confidence again. maybe he should resign this time

  6. Fabian says:

    Giroud is unable to push the team foward, he can’t run with the ball as Lukaku and Adebayo does, these two strikers are of refence to Giroud b,se they are all slow, but the two are far quality than Giroud. Giroud always depends on his physical ability to battle with unskilled defenders from lower teams, somethng he can’t do against Vicent Kompany, Distin, Skytle, Cahil, Vidic and et al. And the worse thng when he win the ball he don’t like to try and run with it foward, he used to play back lowering the attacking pressure. He scored 13goals so far but 99% are ‘tape in’ and misses a lot of scoring chances, he can not shoot, he can’t take free kik, he can’t win penalties.. What a terrible striker? For me he is the reason for failure of our midfielders, especially Ozil. Asks how many chances have Ozil and others created to Giroud and went missed?. Two reasons made Arsenal failure this season are, the Giroud and the loss of Theo Walcot.

  7. joseph kones Narok County Kenya says:

    Arsenal fail 2 strengten de squad on January;instead brought Kim~injured. We should have brought REAL PROVEN STRIKER ,winger{Theo’s replacement} n at least back up defender.Giroud bure kabisa;he should b playing 4 Ligue 2 n Not big club lyk Arsenal!

  8. Emmanuel says:

    I agree it’s what is in front of the defence that is the problem. Arteta is now playing like a 65 year old grand ma. Flamini? I don’t know what to say.

  9. joseph kones Narok County Kenya says:

    Arsenal WIll never win premier league when Giroud is the ONLY MAIN STRIKER!He has let us down;he can’t harash defenders leave alone dribbling.I hate watching him esp when he make plunders on te box instead of scoring goals.

  10. cin says:

    It is very simple Arsenal can perform only half of every season. Because Arsenal’s best(First team) 4 or 5 players are really a injury prone players. They can play only half of every season. And mainly no good players on bench to replace them.So the squad depth is the main problem for Arsenal.
    Without squad depth no team will win anything.That’s the fact. On January, one BBC writer wrote like this “The difference between 1st and 4th position for Arsenal signing two players”. Wenger chosen not to sign anyone. And we are getting 4th(May be). What more we are expecting from this club. They are enjoying making money from CL. So Wenger and Arsenal board don’t care about winning anything. Otherwise who will not sign a good striker when we had realistic chance to win the trophy.

  11. Nsikak Ibok says:

    if a team scores their morale is up, but if they struggle to score because of poor striker upfront it will force the other players off their positions into attack thereby open the chance for the opposition’s counter attack. giroud is arsenal’s problem for now, he pose no threat to any defence. don’t forget if a team scores, the defenders will sit back and defend well but if they concede they will be forced to go out to see if they could get something. if u had followed arsenal this term u would see that in a game they first score the will defend well and its a duty of a striker to pull ån equalizer if a team concede not the defenders but in a situation a striker can’t be trusted with such duty, it force the other players off their positions to help in attack. so we need striker not giroud he is short one in every game he never scored a great goal before I mean a goal outside the box or taking on defenders to score

  12. JEFFLEE says:

    Wenger is a specialist for failure.The reasons why Arsenal always collapse in every season still the same reason which you and i knew. Wenger refused to change his tactics,his tactics is outdated,he use the same approach in every game and good coaches have been able to read Arsenal easily which makes it very easy to outrun them. Mertesacker is too slow to a be playing on a central defense, teams with pace outrun our defense easily because playing high defense with players who does not have pace to recover each time teams cut us on counter attack is dangerous. Wenger’s refusal to sign a real defensive midfielder to protect our back four thereby exposing our defense to our opponents mercy.Wenger’s stubbornness to sign quality strikers when it is obvious that Giroud is not a quality striker caused us the premiership trophy this reason.If you have a quality strikers our opponents will be afraid to attack us at will. Arsenal need a quality keeper, Szczesny need competition,he is still the same guy no improvement,conceding cheap goals when it matters most. Last season i wrote that Wenger should submit his resignation letter honorably to avoid shame people were castigating me. I still reserved my comments about Wenger still he is the main culprit.

  13. TAJ AZIZ says:

    The menu defines the meal and wenger is the menu a stale menu risking the health of the consumer the team wenger should remove himself if he really loves arsenal ? Or loves the money he is hated now and not trusted even the players dont give a damn about him players like giroud arteta vermalen are just collecting payment not worth of and should warm the bench and it’s wenger’s doing that the team is being de railed may be pundit owen was right all the time kick arsene out before its too late

  14. ken oteke says:

    wenger should go first hand strikers and not the so called back up strikers that he wants to strengthen giroud with.gone are the days we used to have Thiery henry and the likes of Ian wright strikers who could score goals from angle of the goal mouth.Do as some thing Wenger pls.

  15. isaac says:

    Wenger and Arsenal boad dnt care about winning anything ,they are only concerned about making profits,they must buy quality players to strengthen the squad ,Giroud ,Arteta,Flamim must be sold or considered as. 3rd choice not first choice 4 a team like Arsernal

  16. Asher says:

    All these comments are valid and really try to define what Arsenal and Wenger are. I don’t know what is wrong with Wenger. even during the game when he should make important l technical decisions he wont react, he always wishes things will change through God’s grace. He favors Giroud even when it is apparent he is contributing nothing to the team. I remember writing here in January, prying him to sign Berbatov or Dafoe, they would have made a difference today. He should not be crying of a proper defensive midfielder; Vermaleen should have been used in that position quite often because he is quick and strong and to date; he would have match fitness and would never wan away. Arsenal left flank from defense to attack is the weakest link and all teams know of that. Look at every time we concede goals, they mainly come from that side, this is because there is no established left winger who is defensively minded. i wish Santos was around to be used in front of Gibbs/Monreal. Our fullbacks too need to be patient as games progress, they are too rushy upfront. The same problem of offering support upfront makes non- striker players look bad in a game the way it happened with Alex Song and fans thought he lacked defensive discipline; he just wanted to make things work out just the same way Gibbs/Sagna are trying to win us matches. Giroud should Go for good. to help Arsenal; Bring back Campbell from loan spell, a conventional left winger, a genuine striker who is physically strong, one like mendzuik or any and please let Roberto Martinez manage Arsenal. He is the most technical manager i have ever seen since his days at Wigan with the likes of victor Moses et al. He will be poached by Barcelona one day when we are still wishing … the Arsenal way.

  17. sebastian says:

    Its very disappointing to arsenal fans – Wenger doesn’t know what he is doing, there are so many players better than Giroud -in fact OG has no football brain so as Mr. Specialist in failures.

  18. Dokun says:

    Thankfully I lost faith in AW five, yes, I repeat, five (5) seasons ago! I was critical of him and his unfortunate tactics. He is the one Manager who believes no one is indispensable. We, I’ll tell you folks, some players are indispensable to their teams. The saying: “one tree can not a forest make” is only true for trees and forests! Problem with Arsenal is the player-attrition which Wenger haas pursued with clinical aplomb since he orchestrated the sales of the best legs in the game to purchase weaklings and clueless opportunists. What kind of serious minded manager would sell off the likes of Ashley Cole, Clichy, Nasri, and the father of all senseless and moronic deals, Robin Van Persie! That one deal is the one that ought to have sent Aaw on his way out of Areenal! And don’t forget the cynical parceling off of Alex Song to Varcelona! How else would weak kneed Giroud have found his way to Arsenal if all that hadn’t happened? And then, window after window opened and closed and AW refused to bring any quality to the team. It’s as if the fans didn’t matter so long as he and the board made money. Then how do you justify spending £42 million on Ozil and were only able to offer £ 40 million for the extremely talented, strong as an Ox, resourceful and indomitable Suarez? AW’s forte is to bring the likes of Silvestre to the emirates and Campbell back to the team after they’ve been used up, are tired and spent! He relishes these feats of genius. It’s why we now have Flamini back after he’s been retired by his club. And weak and tired Arteta whom Everton had used wrung and squeezed of every useful essence aeons previous! That’s what Wenger relishes in. He’s oftentimes planless and rushes into the most absurd last minute deals seconds from (whatever) the window (that was still open) closing! So, yes it’s of course Gueoud who can’t run can’t dribble, can’t shoot, can’t hold the ball for more than a nano second and sticks out his tongue (is he related to Miley Cyrus?) about e a hundred times a game after making some ridiculous blunders or after fouling himself! That’s what Wenger posts up there as a lone striker! Little wonder Mourinho called dear Wenger a specialist in failure. Weeks after that famous quote AW took his hapless lads to Stamford Beidge and smart and effective tutor Mourinho hammered the Failures to drive the point home!

  19. Obidube says:

    Giroud is the biggest curse to arsenal this season. Gone are the days when defenders are terified because of strikers, rather they seem glad to play against giroud because he is the weakest 1st team striker in arsenal since wenger era. i just dont know what he can do.If he doesnt have the pace but atleast be a good finisher like vaniseroy or a bully like ade or heskey. I cant remember a regular 1st team striker who played most matches in recent arsenal in a season without injuries and didnt scoreup to 18 epl goals or betterstil didnt score against man united or anyone of the big four.
    Moreso wenger approach to game is pathetic recently. He doesnt change methods, always prearrange substitution and keeps fiielding nonperforming players. Pls wenger try to forget bout bentners off fields and give him some playing time because i know he is better than that french deadwood we have as a striker. And if you wont then take a bow and leave arsenal with some of your french contingent

    • Charles says:

      Wenger and the Arsenal FC board are taking the passion of the Fans for a ride. They deserve to be stoned. Some fans have developed Hypertension bcos of their attitude. They are only busy and happy making money for themselves without caring about the Fans feelings. Giroud is the worst striker inthe EPL. The goals he scores can equally be scored by a ten year old player. His laziness is killing frustrating Ozils effort. He should just leave the team. Mertserker is sluggish. Sagna lacks basic footballl skills, Arteta is finished, Fabianski is only good for the Championship side, Wilshere can never get better than he is now. Arsene Wenger is finished, his style is not dynamic. For anything good to come Arsenal FC’s way, all the players cum coach mentioned above have to go. The board have to cange their attitude on spending on players. If Arsenal FC management interest is selling player we should be told so that we can make a decision on our support pattern.

  20. Sam Yari says:

    I wonder why Mr. Wenger will not start Sonogo in the first half, then, bring in Oliver Giroud in the second half. By then, Sonogo might have worked-up the opponent defense with his runs, so that when Giroud comes in, he might be able to find his way through goal easier than when he always starts in the first half.

  21. Eazyflyn says:

    To say the fact is among the greatest club in the world and among the richest but the problem is the spendability, Wenger is the one that always discovered best players but to pay for there service is always difficult, please I have one question for Mr Wenger what is he going to do with Arsenal’s money?

  22. The problem is no players purchased in transfer window knowing full well our team has been picking up cruicial injuries for the last few seasons. When Walcott was injured Wenger stated how we have Bendter coming back WTF!!! We have a strong starting team (that’s with every one fit but we need 2 more defenders,a strong CM and 2 players who can play up front. Purchase these players and we will be successful

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