Former Gunner Takes a Swipe at Arsenal

Arsenal Samir NasriAfter staying on top of the premier league for a long time, Arsenal are now fighting to finish the season in fourth spot.
Sadly for the supporters, the gunners always implode, every year and have only got themselves to blame.
One players that Arsenal fans absolutely hate is Manchester City’s Samir Nasri. The French signed left Emirates to join Citizens in 2011.
The former Marseille playmaker has no regrets about leaving gunners and that he did not move merely for money. Nasri claimed:

“My departure from Arsenal? When you leave for a club where there is more money, you are supposed to be mercenary,”
“I took stock before I went to Manchester City, I was joining a club with Yaya Toure, David Silva, Sergio Aguero, Carlos Tevez.”

Understandable that City were building a exciting project and he won the league in his first season.
Nasri has perhaps rightly taken a swipe at Arsenal and their failures as well by saying:

“I spent three seasons at Arsenal without any title and at the end of the season we sold our best player that was Cesc Fabregas.”
“I preferred to join City and I won titles and indeed I earn a better living. And why not a second national title in three years?”
“I am very happy with my choice.”

Arsenal’s troubles are well known and the biggest problem is that they always repeat the same mistakes of selling their best player and not spending much on quality players to replace them.
Did Nasri made the right decision, like other stars who departed Arsenal in the last decade, yes is probably the only answer.
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  1. franc ole says:

    Sadly but that is what is wrong with Wenger. He thinks he is too intelligent to listen, it is no so much about money, it is about having Mafias (Wenger inclusive) running the affairs of the team. How can one deny the fact that Wenger is not dull/failure after loosing from the team whose Manager described him as a failure specialist.
    How can one deny he is not dull (chikopo) when he is always being reminded by the other man who is always getting better results (Jose is better). Wenger has opted to sell better players and only to keep Diabys/Bentners and only to buy Girouds, Sanogos, And the man has no respect for his fans in fact he hates them instead.

  2. TAJ AZIZ says:

    You should have taken your master who brought you now he has to go as well we are tired of being suckers and paying for his and his master’s future

  3. Jerusalem ThankGod says:

    Good decision i must say. Arsene Wenger’s attitudinal and tactical approach to games, coupled with his unwillingness to buy world-class players are but some of the problems facing the club.

  4. Zacch. says:

    Nasri made the best carreer choice of his life by joining city.when good players work with an imbecile of a coach,they ar bound to be infested if they dn’t run……..the only problem we have in our dear club is Wenga.

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