Scouted 7 times – Man United want €45m Star at Old Trafford

William Carvalho SportingManchester United lost yet another game at Old Trafford as Tottenham defeated them in their own backyard for the second season running.
Now, the Red Devils are no less than 11 points behind league leaders Arsenal and 5 points behind arch rivals Liverpool who currently occupy the final Champions League spot.
David Moyes’s men were in great form going into the fixture versus Spurs having won 6 straight games in all competitions (4 in the league). However, their poor defense once again cost them big time.
With the winter transfer window open, Moyes needs to sign top quality players without wasting any more time if he wants to save the English champions from further humiliation.
According to Daily Mail, Man United want Sporting Lisbon’s midfielder William Carvalho who has a release clause of €45m in his contract.
As per the provided link, the scouts from Man United have observed the star on seven occasions and are eager to lure him.
Apart from the creative midfielder, United are also badly in need of a defensive midfielder. Fellaini was expected to provide reinforcement in both attack and defense but has failed as yet.
Can Carvalho do the job for Moyes. The 21 year old Portuguese international is versatile as he can play as a central midfielder as well as defensive midfielder.
In 14 league appearances this season, Carvalho has netted two goals as well.
Moyes needs to act swiftly in the transfer market as fans are not going to tolerate another transfer window like the one wasted last summer.
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  1. Phils Kome says:

    Moyes is full of disappointment, he does not know his players. The once fit and unfit, the boys does not feel determined, focus, no direction , it bad for manu. Don’t waste more time go for carvalho and Salah(you saw what he did to chelsea) Smalling is loosing it all weak and lacks confidence. Anytime ball is passed to him he plays it away like Mikel of chelsea, Patrick Erva is very weak and must be replaced, even Buttner is better than him. We need a finisher a good one that can play real shot at goal, our legs are so weak or afraid of kicking the ball. I saw Alex Fergus there watching with disappointment he brought to the club. Football is no politics or racist, go for good players.

    • stephen says:

      Moyes does not befit man unites. Can u see the difference in Everton now with the new coach that shows the level of Moyes. Give him all the best players he can’t do anything

  2. Mick says:

    Steady on Boys!
    Whilst I dont think Moyes is the man for Utd, you need to cut him some slack he inherited a very poor midfield
    from SAF, who needed to replace and update it for the past 5 seasons and did nothing.
    Dont get me wrong I still dont think Moyes is the right person, but you cant blame him for the poor performances as the probelm was passed onto him!

  3. Sally says:

    Moyes must b sacked! Man U may b relegated.

  4. touljier says:

    Man U 1 – Tot 2… Another pittyful performance by a team that has lost its mojo and a leader who leads like a deer staring into a car’s headlights!
    When u can’t win at home and set new records for the wrong reasons you don’t deserve to be EPL champions again. I said this before and will say it again…#MoyesOutNOW . And F off all u bufoons that call me a pesimist, perhaps I’m just one of the few that sees it for what it really is….a team in desperate need of a massive shake up, including a coach that needs to be shown the Exit! We are now 11points off the pace with no hope of retaining title and very little hope of making the top 4 with no chance of winning anything this season….unless big changes happen within the next 30 days! Oh, and Happy 2014 to you all

  5. Gareth says:

    Relegated? Touch over-dramatic there!
    We’ll be little more than a cup team this season. Anyone who expected more is being unrealistic. Moyes did not inherit a great team. Don’t be fooled by last season where our rivals were shockingly poor.
    As for Carvalho. He seems a decent player, but I’d prefer someone established like Vidal from Juventus.

  6. @gwens1356 says:

    Thats what 2 expect 4rm a top 10 manager. @least he doesnt disappoint coz he is doing everything u hired him to do. 2 make sure yo team finishes top 10. Dont blame moyes u new his ability b4 u got him.

    • touljier says:

      Fair comment if taken as an instance where you have to support a decision that was taken by SAF and the Man U board. If the decision, or even some feedback was left to the fans then I am sure I wud not be the only one out there who wud not have given DM the vote for best candidate

  7. Sunday A Bello says:

    What are we argue about ? Moyes never have home record in term of home record his failiure he only want to sign everton player

  8. Seyom David says:

    I think the reason Manchester United is not doing well is simply down to fatigue due to Moyes training method which emphasize on fitness and stamina. The current Everton team is doing really well because Martinez inherited a squad full of fit players (Moyes instilled work ethics) to work with. I think next season we will truly see a Martinez Everton side, will they still be able to pass around if they were lacking in fitness to move around (assuming Martinez focus less on fitness). However you cannot discount the possibility of a late surge from United given Moyes Everton team normally push up a gear near the second half of the season where, by then, they have already acclimatise to the fitness training and are much stronger as a unit. This fitness regiment issue was exactly the same when Capello was with Madrid. They were very sluggish but you guessed it, they surged to romped in the final hurdle to win La Liga that year.

  9. fkgalore says:

    The last league battle, Ferguson should have given Pogba his chance when Scholes announced retirement. He didn’t. Instead, he called back Scholes from retirement. It’s this decision that made pogba leave. He was aware of the midfield problem. Besides, he should have loaned Butner so that he gains experience in Premier League, but Fergie didn’t. FERGUSON HAS THE UPPER HAND IN THE DISASTER MAN. UTD IS FACING. Martinez inherited a squad (formed by Moyes) which did well last season and this season, they are doing better. Jose Morino can only buy elite and form a squad. Moyes can build a squad from scratch using youngsters of united. But it will take some time. How much time fergie took to be premier league winner. If Moyes has to add new faces, a lot will have to leave: Hernandez, Valencia, Smalling, nani, young, evra, ferdinand, butner, cleverley since they are under-performing. United cannot buy 6 players in 1 season. What the team needs urgently is a 2 midfields (Vidal from ath. madrid, Carvalho from spor. lisbon and a good left-back). What I don’t like about Moyes is that he clings to players on his list even when the whole world knows that these players will not come. we have been used to be in the big 4 for years, but we must accept the fact that FERGIE LEFT LEAVING A POORLY PERFORMING SIDE. Last season, the other clubs were poorly performing and rooney, van persie and scholes were here to support. this season they are fighting from injuries.

  10. derickbanks says:

    No excuse for Moyes. He is not good enough he was at everton for years but he failed but martinez has just come and has done what moyes failed to do. i know now everton fans are more happy bcoz they solved their problem by letting moyes go. hat theory of picking points in second half of the season is for mid table teams fight for places not champions and he has been doing that all his time at everton. likely in moyes regime utd will be a mid table team bcoz even good players do not wish to work under a coach who has won nothing. big names will never come to utd when it has an inferrior coach. poorest among coaches of big clubs in Europe. he develops young kids bcoz he can not convice big names to play under him.. we deserved a better coach than moyes. he has been at everton with all the time given to him what did he win???? unless he proves me wrong but even if given a 100yrs in utd, he will never win us anything… utd is biggest problem is the coaching staff and then the midfield then others may come in. but before we get a coach of utd class, no hope. if itd what to build lets start with our coaches like ole gunner. lets do it the barcelona way with pep. lets gamble with our own blood but if hiring from outside lets get a classy coach with something special to add on our team.

  11. fkgalore says:

    Who selected Moyes? And why? Who is, therefore, at fault?

    • Touljier says:

      @ fkgalore …. it is alleged that SAF convinced the Glazers / Board he is the best wet fart for the job.
      I think the problem was that the Glazers did not hear SAF too well as his accent was too strong for the Americans.
      Also – when the Glazers hear anything wet they immediately think of the traditional water drum that is thrown over a coach of a NFL side that has won the league, unfortunately they did not realise that its not the same kind of wet SAF was referring to….but i think they know now #MoyesOutNOW !!

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