Man United's €25m Offer to be Considered as Moyes Wants Star

Juventus Claudio MarchisioManchester United are linked with so many midfielders in the winter transfer window and it looks likely that they will lure one at least to solve the midfield conundrum.
The Red Devils have been mainly linked with Atletico Madrid’s Koke for a long time but a new name has now come up.
According to reports, Manchester United are looking to offer €25m to lure Juventus’s central midfielder Claudio Marchisio.
As per the provided link, the Old lady are going to consider such an offer and may as well be ready to sell the 27 year old Italian international.
With the likes of Andrea Pirlo and Paul Pogba shining in the midfield, the Italian champions do not really need Marchisio that bad.
Marchisio has started 10 league games this season but has not been able to provide any assist or score any goal.
Although, he is not really a better option as compared to Koke but the chances of luring him are more because Juve were knocked out of the Champions League and the case of being cup tied is not going to come into question.
However, Juve are once again leading the Serie A with a comfortable margin while Manchester United are struggling to even qualify for the next year’s Champions League.
Surely €25m offer for Marchisio is going to be really intriguing for Juve but will the player be willing to leave for Old Trafford, only time will tell.
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No Responses

  1. Rob Macgregor says:

    Another one for the injured bay.Once Moyes trains him.

  2. phillip gessa says:

    tried of this baseless rumors. all l want is to see a new player holding utd Jersey

  3. shamsudeen says:

    Just buy new better nd strong mf

  4. Jonathan Bianco says:


  5. Kabiru says:

    The only transfer to be made at old trafford is sacking moyes and signing frank rajkaard.

  6. bello says:

    @bianco names like barkley and gundogan should not be mention pls gundogan can not save man united now is still not fit to play in injured and is buyout clues is high , barkley money is high for some with only epl experience , pls get us players that can get us top 4 now with small money buyout clues like €5-10m till the end of the season then go and get the right players u want and still sell this ones than trying to get those players that will not want to come , otherwise the transfer window will close without any meaningful signing coming in pls moyers look around those lower clubs and get us plays now .

    • Okuro Godfrey says:

      @Bello, I agree with u. Man U can go for Alex Song of Barca and Javier Pastore of PSG since they are not making first eleven.

  7. Moyes is a fuck up man he must be sacked cos Liverpool has not be able to play CL since it exit

  8. Moyes go cos u are not capable and competent

  9. bryn kyaliaiima says:

    guys…… u still hope that moyes is to sign any players for u. trully speaking clubs like leeds srarted the same way manu is taking. as long as stake holders concerned go on that way trust me manu will be long gone moyes can not afford ti bring a quality player to ot any way thats fagies plan to kill manu.

  10. Felix manyo says:

    Am tired of hearing this rumours,all i want to see is a new player with man utd jersey.Am not going to relent on what the media says.

  11. Ando says:

    Moyes is a mediocre coach and below ManU standard. Give him the best players in the world and he would not do better. If he lacks d technicality to blend the crop of players at his disposal,then I see no improvement after signing the aforementioned players.
    Before now,all we hear is a player has been signed but what we hear now is ManU is linked to so and so. We are tired of all these rumours.
    Please get us a good coach.
    I hold SAF at high esteem but I think bringing in DM was a wrong decision.

  12. pls moyes get those brazilians players before adding any other one in squad.

  13. pls moyes get those brazilians players before adding any other one in the squad.

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