Man United held Talks with Agent: To bid €32m For Chelsea Star

Man United David MoyesManchester United are keen to lure Chelsea playmaker Juan Mata in this transfer window as the Red Devils supporters get desperate for signings.
Blues last year player of the year has been mostly frustrated on the bench since the arrival of Jose Mourinho who has always preferred Oscar as his No. 10.
In such a scenario Mata finds him self in a complex situation knowing that without regular football he may as well miss the Fifa World Cup place with Spain.
Spain have quality midfielders at their disposal and Mata needs to leave Chelsea to help himself.
Mourinho already claimed that he wants the former Valencia man to stay but the door is open for him and with that many top clubs are interested in luring him.
According to reports, Sources in Spain claim that Man United have already held talks with Mata’s agent and may as well bid €32m for Chelsea star.
Juan has started 11 league games this season and was substituted no less than 9 times, surely a massive frustration for a player of his caliber.
Even the fans who cried out loud that they want him on the field have lost their voice slowly but surely as Mourinho has perhaps proved his point.
Last season, in 35 league appearances, Mata netted 11 goals and provided 17 assists. If somehow Man United can lure him it will be a major coup.
However, Mourinho is also reportedly interested in Wayne Rooney and if United are reluctant to sell the England star to Chelsea, Mourinho is likely to block Mata’s move as well.
Also, Mata has better options available, as per the provided link, Bayern Munich are also interested and although competition for places is very high there, the presense of Spanish manager Pep Guardiola may help.
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  1. agbor joseph says:

    during the last transfer widow, the leadership of man u dispatch their representative all over Europe seeking a quality signing which eventually backfire by paying an outrageous amount on Fellani. after series of failed mocking bids.the january widow has began with the press linking the club to every seemingly available player out there.yet the pendulum seems to be swigging in the disastrous way of last summer. what this is portraying is a clear deficiency,lack of focus and in capabilities on the part of the leadership of the club.while there may be time to remedy the situation, i just want to candidly remind the Grazers that their investment is at stake here.after all the club shares value has started dropping since the woeful performers from the moyes tutors side began.just imagine what it will look like when the club could not qualify for Europe next season. food for thought.

    • Carlton says:

      16 days to go signings, other teams have already signed players but Mr Moyes is still quite. MInd you mr Moyes we are not happy with where our team is and this is not Everton.
      If you will not sign players this January you will pack and go. you are kelling our team.

  2. Osho Nelson A says:

    I think DM is doing seemingly well considering the odds he is facing.Odds such as key players injuries and the insufficient time to recruit.It is my believe that Mr Moyes will turn out good for us.

  3. blue blood says:

    hahahaaaaaaa if they can give us Rooney then we will think if we can do bussines with the reds.

  4. Chuwa says:

    I think its the time for these clubs to do business and remove out the idea that they cant do the transfer business may be as a reason of reducng competititve on the league,also the world cup will start sonn and the players want 2 show their managers that they can help some how on national team

  5. Henry Katchule Chigulu says:

    We will never know peace in Moyes’ era if he continues to turn the People’s team into other team’s scouts than potential buyers. I wonder why up to this 14th day of January no deal has been struck yet we are hearing mixed reports ranging from Utd faces stiff competition from X club to sign Y player, to that of Utd close in on box to box midfield maestro.
    My humble request to our Manager is that January is finally here to make or break the team’s long standing reputation and unprecedent records. We do not want the 1974 scenario. Look at what other new Managers are doing at their respective clubs. One can conclude that only Moyes has failed to deliver. Martnez at his former club is far much better than him using the same crop of players he left behind!
    The following are some of the newly appointed managers in 2013;
    1. Pep Guardiola
    2. Jose Mourinho
    3. M Pellegrini
    4. Carlo Ancellot
    5. Barcelona Manager
    6. Rafa Benitez
    7. Roberto Martinez
    8. David Moyez
    from the above list you can see that only Our Manager has his team below top 5.
    Mr Moyez play your cards well before we become the whipping boys of England with almost half of the home records broken in just six months- not six years!

  6. dany onye says:

    Haaaaaaaaa. Rooney going no where,even if he want out we will sell him to real madrid or away from England.

  7. Ankrah says:

    haaaahahahaa! Rooney is man utd’s engine and I think Mourinho should stop dreaming about him moving to chelsea nor anywhere else.

  8. kevin says:

    Man utd troubles started long time ago since a certain roy keane and paul scholes were not replaced. I agree that DM was left with a average team but pls stop making excuses for him. He’s been the BPL too long not to realise whats expected of him. So pls sign some one that will transform the team not weaken it like a certain afro from everton. Or else you might not last the season.

  9. Point of correction, Moyes did not inherit an average team from Sir Alex Ferguson. He found an above average club which won the title in grand style thereby putting the runners up 11 points adrift. The People’s team went on to lead third placed Chelsea by 18 points and Arsenal in fourth position with a deficit of 21 points. Is that an average team?
    OK, If our team was average,how would you rate the likes of Man City,Chelsea and Arsenal who trailed the average team?
    The ideal answer could be “below average teams!”
    Those below average teams have defied all odds and transformed themselves into something worth mentioning and yet ours has degraded itself to become the whipping boys of England with soccer rookies like Swansea City becoming a team to destabilise Old Trafford.
    David Moyes inherited the best squad of the moment in English footballi. That’s why he went on to win the Community Shield at Wembley only that he lacks a certain element in decision making particularly when substituting players and even selecting the first eleven. He doesn’t know when to do what the philosophy which has kept Utd a force to reckon with.
    He is failing to instill the never say die spirit in his boys which Sir Alex did enigmatically and won unwinnable matches during his stay at the The Theatre of Dreams. Suffice to say that even hitting the transfer market ought to be a problem for our new manager. For example,Sir Alex was buying a striker a season to strengthen the striking partnership likewise other positions and this worked to his advantage with the likes of Chicharito and RvP producing fireworks in their respective debut seasons. Buying players this January is paramount but it should not be solely relied upon- it should be complimente by sound management system hence good decision making by the gaffer as his counterparts, Mourinho and Pellegrin (new Managers) are doing at Chelsea and Man City respectively!
    United we stand!
    Go Utd go!
    We want the 21st title this season- we still have chances to achieve that!

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